The study was carried out to assess the effect of problem-solving and guided-discovery teaching methods on students‟ academic performance in financial accounting in secondary schools in Kwara State, Nigeria. Five objectives, five research questions were raised to guide the study; while five null hypotheses were raised and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The research design used was quasi-experimental. The population was nineteen thousand two hundred and thirty eight (19,238) SS II Financial accounting students. Purposive sampling procedure was used for the study and one hundred and twenty (120) students were used as sample size for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a self- developed financial accounting achievement test (FAAT). Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer the stated research questions. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to test null hypotheses one and two, while t-test statistics was used to test null hypotheses three, four and five. From the results of the study, hypotheses one to three were rejected while hypothesis four and five were retained. The summary of the study showed that students in problem-solving and guided-discovery teaching methods performed better than those in the conventional (direct teaching method), and male and female students performed relatively better with the use of guided discovery teaching method. It is concluded therefore that, problemsolving and guided-discovery teaching methods has a positive effect on students‟ academic performance in financial accounting in secondary schools. Based on the findings, five recommendations are postulated, among others that the use of Guideddiscovery teaching method should be instituted in the teaching and learning of financial accounting in secondary schools in Kwara state, Nigeria.